Gratitude Practice in the New Year
The first day of the new year has come and gone. If you're feeling a little down after all that excitement and anticipation, here's a message of hope: Gratitude practice can help. Gratitude helps us keep things in perspective (which is especially helpful when you've been thinking about resolutions for weeks now). It also reminds us that we have gifts to offer the world, even when things aren't going perfectly for us personally. So if you're feeling tired or discouraged right now, try this exercise:
Gratitude practice can help you make new year's resolutions.
The new year is a time of reflection and renewal, during which many people set out to make changes in their lives. That's why New Year's resolutions often focus on improving specific aspects of our lives—like relationships, health, careers and finances.
Gratitude practice can help you stay focused on what's important to you by helping you mindfully consider the things that matter most in your life right now. It can also help you make better decisions (and stick with them) by helping you focus on what matters most when making choices or setting goals.
Gratitude practice can help you recover from a bad day.
Gratitude practice is a great way to start your day.
It's a good way to focus on what is going well and not on what isn't.
If you're having a bad day, gratitude practice can help you get through it.
Gratitude practice can also help you feel better about yourself, even when there are challenges in your life.
Gratitude practice can help you sort out a difficult decision.
When you are struggling with a difficult decision, gratitude practice can help you sort out what is important to you.
First, think about what is good in your life right now. Reflect on all the things you have that make life worth living. Think about things like:
Your friends and family
Your home
The work that gives meaning to your days
Then think about what is important to you in terms of this decision: For example, if I am considering whether or not I should leave my job, it may be helpful for me to reflect on what aspects of my life are most meaningful to me right now. If I love being part of a team at work but hate commuting by car every day, then perhaps it's time for me take public transit instead!
Gratitude practice can remind you of your gifts and strengths.
It can be difficult to see the good in your life when you are feeling stuck, stressed or overwhelmed. It is easy to focus on what is wrong and forget all of the things that are going well. Gratitude practice can help you remember these positives by focusing on them intentionally.
For example, one way people do this is by writing a daily gratitude list: they write down five things that went well each day and why they were good (e.g., I got an A+ on my math test because I studied hard). Another way people do this is through journaling exercises: writing about your blessings every day for a week or month (e.g., what made me smile today? What did someone say today that inspired me?).
When you focus on what went well rather than on what went wrong, you will feel better about yourself and the world around you.
Gratitude practice helps keep things in perspective.
Taking the time to reflect on the things in your life that bring you joy is a simple but powerful way to refocus your attention. It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind of work and other responsibilities, but when we take a moment to acknowledge what we have, it makes everything feel more manageable.
When you practice gratitude every day, it helps you see the big picture. You start noticing all of the positive things happening around you instead of focusing on what isn’t working out quite right or why something went wrong—for example, if you don't get into an audition for a play this month, instead of dwelling on it as another failure in your career path (which will only make things worse), look at it as one small step closer toward achieving your goal: getting cast in a show! The same goes for relationships: if someone cancels plans last minute or says something hurtful without meaning too...instead of taking it personally because they're not being grateful enough themselves (and therefore aren't worthy friendship material), how can I use this situation as an opportunity?
Try gratitude practice if you want to start a new year off well!
If you want to start the new year off well, try this gratitude practice!
Gratitude practice is a great way to focus on the positive things in your life.
This type of meditation can help you recover from a bad day.
It's also helpful when sorting out a difficult decision, like where to go for dinner or whether or not you should buy that new pair of shoes.
I hope that you're feeling inspired to try out a gratitude practice this year! It's a great way to start the new year off well and make progress on your goals.